Marche Argelestourisme Stephane Ferrer 4811Marche Argelestourisme Stephane Ferrer 4811
©Marche Argelestourisme Stephane Ferrer 4811|Stéphane Ferrer Yulianti

Place St Côme St Damien in Argelès-sur-Mer

The eponymous square of Argelès’ patron saints is home to the Notre-Dame dels Prats church and markets on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

(Cap)tiver les papilles at the Village Market

The Place Saint Côme Saint Damien is home to the traditional village market all year round, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Can you tempt your taste buds with a taste of home? From stall to stall, we invite you to celebrate Catalan gastronomy with delicious local produce. Deal?

Stroll eyes up

Situated on the Place Saint-Côme et Saint-Damien, Notre-Dame-dels-Prats is a 14th-century building typical of Southern Gothic architecture, with a wide, single nave flanked by side chapels with ribbed vaults.

The church is flanked by a superb Romanesque fortified bell tower, 34 meters high.
